Four Signs You Need A Mental Health Day

Are you hoarding your sick days? If you’re like most workaholic Americans, you probably refuse to take a day off unless an unexpected illness forces you to stay home or see a doctor. But those days aren’t just there for when you’re feeling under the weather. Sometimes it’s just as important to take a mental health day, a day off solely dedicated to giving your psychological and emotional health some TLC, to break away from the draining stress of everyday life—stress which, over time, could lead to major health problems if not properly dealt with.

Unfortunately, however, you may opt to keep your nose to the grindstone instead, not realizing—or wanting to admit—how desperately you need that mental-health day until it’s too late. In fact, mental illness is way more common than you think: According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, about 43.8 million adults in the U.S. experience it in any given year. Only 40% of those adults, however, received treatment last year.

Research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) found anxiety and depressive disorders cost the global economy a trillion dollars in lost productivity each year. Unsure of the signs to look for that an employee needs a break? Below, this post covers the tell-tale signs an employee needs to take a day or two for themselves. Read on to keep these signs in mind for the health of your employees and yourself.

  1. Mood Changes

If you’re feeling constantly crabby, irritable, and not feeling like yourself, it’s probably time for a mental health day. If you have anxiety or depression, you may feel overly anxious or more down than usual. There’s no need to push through the pain and suffering. Take note of your mood and then do what you can to elevate it — even if that means getting a therapist on the phone.

  1. Physical Symptoms Increase

Are you suddenly noticing your neck and shoulders feel much tighter than normal? Is your stomach in a constant knot? Do you feel nauseous every time you think of work? Start paying attention to physical symptoms that manifest around stressful periods. Headaches, stomach pain, and the like are all possible physical indicators of excessive stress. These are clear indicators that your body is warning you it is in need of a break emotionally, too.

  1. Focusing is Hard

Making mistakes and scrambling to get all your work done is a prime sign you need a break from work. Even a single day off can help you clear your mind and come back with a fresh perspective to tackle work projects. When you have too much going on at work and home, it makes it that much more difficult to focus. Take care of loose ends or stressors so you can bring your best efforts into the workplace. Practice mindfulness moments on your day off to increase your concentration upon your return to work.

  1. Sickness Won’t Stay Away

When you stay stressed for too long, your body responds accordingly. Chronic stress weakens the responses of your immune system, making you more prone to illness during stressful periods, according to the American Psychological Association. If you always have a cold, stomach issues, or frequent infections, your immune system is tired and weak. Boost it by eating well, sleeping enough, staying updated on vaccines, exercising, taking mental health days, and washing your hands often.