Who would turn down a week of unplugged bliss at a destination spa like Canyon Ranch? In fact, given the choice between yoga on the beach, full-body massages, and facials or a $6,000 designer wardrobe, we’d take the spa! But dreams aside, who has the time or money for all that pampering, pummeling, and primping? Even day spas are budget breakers these days. Instead, make a DIY spa night at home a monthly ritual to soothe, smooth, and improve body, mind, and soul. Here’s how:
- Stage the Evening
Your own (sparkly clean) bathroom, fresh towels, affordable drugstore products, and some solitude are all you need. This is me-time, so no dogs, cats, significant others, emails, texts, FaceTime, or cellphones. Dim the lights. Get aromatherapeutic candles. Slip into a cozy robe and grab a travel mug with lemon-spiked water, cocoa or tea. Turn off the TV and all judgments about your so-called flaws. You’re an hour or two away from a mind and beauty reboot.
- Have a Plan
Crunch several benefits into one evening by multitasking and strategizing. If you’re a bath lover, apply face and hair masks before getting in the tub, and end with a clear water rinse and shampoo under the faucet. Prefer showers? Do your masks and relax with a book or audiotape while they work … and then step under the spray. If your skin is rough or looking dingy and dull, consider a gentle facial scrub to buff away dead cells.
Skip scrubs if your facial skin is very sensitive or prone to rosacea, broken capillaries, or any other medical issue. Try adding a body scrub to your bath or shower so any follow-up body creams and oils absorb better. And … before jumping in the tub or shower, remove old polish, and file and shape your fingernails. Once wet, they’re more apt to break or split.
- Slather on Hair Mask
Think of this moisture makeover as rehab for hair that’s dry, fragile, damaged, colored, highlighted, straightened, or relaxed (that’s all of us!). Some hair masks are in the pricey $30-to-$45 range, but a low-cost mask packed with protein and botanical oils for $12 or less does the job.
Don’t be stingy — apply lavishly using a wide-tooth comb to distribute the cream evenly. Though directions say to leave on anywhere from five to 10 minutes, let your hair mask “bake” under a shower cap or plastic wrap turban while you bathe or mask up pre-shower. The combo of wrap, steamy bathroom environment, and more time will amplify the results. When you finally shampoo your mask out, do a tension-busting scalp massage to rev up circulation at the roots, too. Make every minute count.
- Choose a hydrating face mask
This is one of the key treatments in your spa night because it quickly resets dry, parched skin that’s looking needy and tired. Ignore masks labeled clarifying and pore cleansing and choose one that emphasizes moisturizing specifically with wrinkle-plumping hyaluronic acid.